1.  An extension of linear programming which overcomes this objection is that of goal programming.

2.  Lakatos developed his picture of science in an attempt to improve on, and overcome the objections to, Popperian falsificationism.

3.  Britain, Spain and France proposed the temporary name as a compromise to overcome objections by Greece, which has blocked widespread recognition of the Balkan republic.

4.  This causes purchase intentions to fall, only to be followed by an increase as the salesperson overcomes the objection or substantiates his claim.

5.  And even that will not overcome the objections of those who do not like the idea of animals performing in any circumstance.

6.  Because the Supreme Court ruled against the workers with disabilities on constitutional grounds, Congress cannot simply change the Americans With Disability Act to overcome the objections.

7.  But Evan-Zohar in Tel Aviv said he believed a deal would presage further changes that would help the company overcome antitrust objections.

8.  For four years, Cytyc has labored to overcome the objections.

9.  French objections were overcome Monday in a compromise over unemployment issues.

10.  It is still trying to overcome objections to its purchase of Orangina in France.

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